RDP Connect – Help – v2.nn


  • Screens

        • Connection

          Server is where you enter:
          DNS name (eg: www.mymachine.com) or
          IP address (eg: of the remote server/host to which you want to connect.
          Port is the numeric network port where the remote RDP server is listening.
          Use SSH Tunnel (premium) should be selected when you want a fully encrypted secure session tunneled through SSH.
          Credentials such as usernames and passwords cannot be sniffed from the network in SSH mode.
          Never open an RDP port on your router to the internet.  Bare RDP is ok within your own home or business network but not outside of that.
          Using an SSH tunnel for Internet RDP connections can help protect you from viruses that know how to exploit bare RDP port connections.
          Console | Admin session (2003+) should be selected when you want to connect to the existing console/admin session rather than starting a new session.
          Enter remote logon information is where you enter the remote Username, Password and Domain necessary to connect to the remote server/host.
          Launch remote desktop app upon logon (2003+) is where you enter the application path and the working directory for an application that will launch on the remote server/host once you have successfully logged on.
        • Display

          Remote Size is a dropdown list of the screen size choices  for the remote desktop.  This is the remote screen size that you will see once you are successfully logged in.
          Color Depth is a dropdown list of the remote color depth choices.  It is the number of bits needed to represent a color pixel of screen information.  For nearly all connections this should be set to Highest Quality (32 bits).  Only for very slow connections (eg: modems) should you need to adjust this downward.
          Auto Size Desktop can be checked if you want the session to automatically perform a best-fit for your local device screen size.
        • Resources

          Redirect devices to remote session:
          Clipboard is always checked by default.
          SDCard when checked will mount your SDCard as an available drive named, Android, in your remote session.  You can copy files to and from the mounted drive.
        • Experience

          Connection Speed is a dropdown list of connection speeds as seen for both cellular and wifi connections. The following speed settings are available:
          • Modem (28.8+ kbps)
          • Modem, ISDN | 2g (56+ kbps)
          • DSL, WAN | 3g-4g (128+ kbps)
          • Fiber, LAN | 4g-LTE (10+ Mbps)
          • Custom

          and these selections turn on and off various remote styling features that affect the amount of data being transmitted back and forth to the remote seesion and therefore can affect the user experience.  The Custom setting allows the user to set each feature individually. These styling features are:

          • Desktop Background
          • Font Smoothing
          • Desktop composition
          • Drag shows window contents
          • Menu and window animation
          • Themes
          • Bitmap caching

          Enable RemoteFX checkbox is for turning on RemoteFX video capability for the remote session. This automatically sets the Connection Speed to the highest setting as high bandwidth is required to use this setting.

  • Security

    Auto-negotiate Protocol Security radio button allows the session to negotiate between RDP, TLS, or NLA security for the session.  RDP although a pretty good protocol still is the weakest and permits “Man-In-The-Middle” and Replay attacks.  TLS encrypts the session and NLA performs upfront authorization before attempting the session.  At this time we cannot disallow individual protocols during auto-negotiation so they are greyed out.
    Force Protocol Security mandates which security protocol will be used for the session.  If the RDP server does not support this type of protocol the session attempt will fail.
  • Advanced

    Select Keyboard Layout is a dropdown list allowing the user to choose their keyboard layout.  Right now this is fixed at 0×00000409 US.
    Use SSH gateway (premium) is where the user identifies the server and port of their SSH gateway and enters their SSH logon credentials to the gateway in the following fields:

    • Server (enter DNS name or IP address)
    • Port (where gateway server is listening)
    • Username
    • Password
    • Domain

    Use Terminal Services Gateway is where the user identifies the server and port of their Terminal Services gateway and enters their Terminal Services logon credentials to the gateway in the following fields:

    • Server (enter DNS name or IP address)
    • Port (where gateway server is listening)
    • Username
    • Password
    • Domain


  • Menues

      • Session Settings

        Session Settings is where you set the options to be used during your remote session:
        • Swap Mouse Buttons swaps left and right mouse buttons.
        • Invert Scrolling changes whether pulling down moves in the same direction or in the opposite direction.
        • Auto-Scroll Touch Point
        • Hide Status Bar
        • Hide Zoom Controls
        • Accept All Certificates that are presented by the server
        • Ask On Exit is a confirmation.
        • Clear Certificate Cache to get rid of expired or bad certificates.
        • Set Disconnect Timeout for when network loses a session.


      • SSH Keys

        SSH Keys selects handling of SSH key pairs
        Generate SSH Key Pair (select keytype and keysize and enter a keyname to generate a keypair: keyname and keyname.pub in /sdcard directory)
        Import SSH Key Pair (imports keypairs from /sdcard directory to your internal files directory – private key is deleted from /sdcard)
        Delete SSH Key Pair (deletes keypairs from your internal files directory)
        Delete Host Key Repo (deletes the known_hosts file; necessary sometimes if a bad or expired key is preventing access)
        SSH Notes: Keypairs must be style: keyname and keyname.pub.
        After importing a keypair, you can then send the public key still in /sdcard and install it where necessary.
        You can also receive your existing keypairs generated elsewhere in your /sdcard directory and import them.
        Keypairs are stored in your internal package files directory for security.  Please note that if you uninstall / reinstall the app that these files will be deleted.
      • RDP File Encoding

        RDP File Encoding (premium) is the encoding that will be used to Save the current settings into a .rdp file.
        • ASCII
        • UTF-8
        • UTF-16LE (default)
        • UTF-16BE
        • UTF-32LE
        • UTF-32BE


      • Line Separator

        Line Separator (premium) selects style of line endings:
        • Windows
        • Linux/Unix/OSX.


      • Theme

        Theme (premium) will allow the user to select different themes.
      • Shortcut

        Shortcut allows the user to Add or Remove a Shortcut to RDPConnect.
      • License

        License displays the license governing the usage of the application.
      • Help

        Help displays explanations and tips about the usage of the application.
      • About

        About displays information about RDPConnect such as Version, Contact Info and Copyright
  • Buttons

      • Connect

        Connect button launches the connections for your SSH remote or gateway tunnel (if SSH is selected) and then to your RDP remote server or host.
        SSH connections supports the following authentication methods: publickey, password, and keyboard-interactive in a fallback mechanism.
        At a minimum you need to fill in Server, Port and Remote Username for an SSH connection.
      • Load

        Load button launches a file manager app (choose the internal RDP Connect File Manager or ES3 File Explorer or OI Intent File Manager) so that you can select the RDP settings file you want to load.
      • Save

        Save button launches a file manager app (choose the internal RDP Connect File Manager or ES3 File Explorer or OI Intent File Manager) so that you can select the RDP settings file to save your current settings.
      • Options

        Optons button shows/hides less common options on the screens to reduce clutter.